Financial Strategy

Financial Strategy

The primary objective of Bertelsmann’s financial policy is to achieve a balance between financial security, return on equity and growth. For this, Bertelsmann bases its financing policy on the requirements of a solid investment grade credit rating and the associated qualitative and quantitative criteria. Credit ratings and capital market transparency make a considerable contribution to the Group’s financial security and independence.

In accordance with the Group structure, the capital allocation is made centrally by Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA, which provides the Group companies with liquidity and manages the issuance of guarantees and letters of comfort for them. The Group consists largely of a single financial unit, thereby optimizing capital procurement and investment opportunities.

Since 2002, Bertelsmann has had credit ratings from the agencies Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s in the Investment Grade area. Thanks to its good credit rating, Bertelsmann can finance itself on the financial market on reasonable terms.

Credit Facilities

In addition to available liquidity, the Bertelsmann Group has access to a syndicated credit facility with 15 banks. This credit facility that was unutilized as of December 31, 2023, forms the backbone of the strategic credit reserve; Bertelsmann can utilize this with a term until 2026 to draw up to €1.2 billion of revolving funds in euros and US dollars.