
News | Cologne, 06/18/2013 Supports ‘Sternenwind’ Initiative

For the second time, has presented the “Goldener wkw-Stern” (Golden wkw Star). With this award, the social network honors volunteer commitments on the platform and supports them financially: the donation of over 1,000 euro went to the “Sternenwind” initiative, a charity organization committed to helping street children and homeless people. presented the award and donation to Tanja Scherer, divisional head of “daycare” of the Evangelische Wohnungslosenhilfe Mainz, and Waltraud Öngel, a member of “Sternenwind”. The “Sternenwind” project was created as a group on in February 2009 and has been organizing itself through the social network ever since. Founder Edith Beck, together with the almost 1,300 group members, takes care of street children and homeless people in the Mainz region. Regular campaigns such as clothing drives, barbecue afternoons and children’s clothing bazaars aim to support the people in need in their everyday lives. The group documents all campaigns with pictures and reports.

Edith Beck, founder of “Sternenwind”: “With our group we aim to draw attention to the situation of homeless people, to educate the public, and to help. The fact that noticed us and is even helping us financially is great because every helping hand is worth so much when it comes to our pending projects. This is in line with our motto ‘We are nothing alone, but we can achieve so much with your help’. We would like to thank for the award and for the donation from the bottom of our heart.”

The “Golden wkw Star” and a donation go to a charity for street children and the homeless in Mainz. “With the presentation of the ‘Golden wkw Star’ we want to express our recognition to ‘Sternenwind’, and to all the other volunteer initiatives at wer-kennt-wen – and we encourage others to follow their example. We think it is very impressive that so many people are helping the needy through our social network, and we are pleased to be part of it,” says Mirko Meurer, Chief Operating Officer

With the “Golden wkw Stern” supports users of the social network that organize charity activities through the platform and implement them through Since the end of 2012 the award has been regularly presented along with a donation of 1,000 euro.